Its said GRACE CHANGES EVERYTHING. Take time & reflect what grace means to you ? Has it ever worked for you?
Promise to Love Yourself
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” “The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.” “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
Diwali Toran
This Diwali , Lets Clean our Minds within & decorate our hearts with Love & Care for others . Let the lamps light up the spirit of happiness, peace & joy for some one you love.
Are You In a Toxic Relationship? Better Check
Sometimes one has to be hard on ones own self for ones own betterment. If it is destroying you its not love. Let go these unhealthy relationships as deep within you know that the right way to do. respect yourself & be brave to move on, trust life, it has much more good to show & make you feel happy about.
Painful Periods & Doctor's Brandy !! by Komal Sojitra Thummar
Painful periods is a story of many, read how the pain of Komal & what she does to overcome it. We are thankful to Komal for taking part in RED DOT CHALLENGE on this MH Day. Such bravery is the real instinct of being a woman.
"And It's just PERIODS" By Jahnvi Rajput
This MHD 2020 we invited people to pen their thoughts about Women's Monthly Cycle. We are thankful to many who shared their stories. Presenting you one of the best SHARE of a brave lady Jhanvi with you all.
Menses and taboos: Are we ever going to come out of this??? by Datasha Kanthariya
Period Shaming & stigmas related to it seems unending since ages. On MHD 2020, we appreciate ladies like Datasha who came forward to share their self-experiences about Menses & picked up our RED DOT CHALLENGE
“Periods an unanswered question” by Akshay Patel
Who said Men don't respect Women. ! Akshay showed his guts to express his feelings by this article on what menstruation can mean to men. We are thankful to such men who are considerate towards this biological phenomenon of women. One of the best stories of ROD DOT Challenge this MHD 2020.
Lets Bleed & Paint The Town Green by Prapti Gohil
For better menstrual health & hygiene, we have lot of alternatives available which are also eco-friendly as many menstrual products are immense problem for disposal, sanitation & waste management. Prapti reviews how can natural bleeding of women become nature friendly too. Thank you for a thoughtful article.
The discomfort & fear during Periods: lets make it more dignified by Khushboo Shah
Our yet another RED DOT challenger shares how much a girl has to take care to avoid public shame & embarrassments of not letting anyone know that you are bleeding. We are grateful of Khushboo for her say. It needs courage to say that yes I am bothered by period shaming !
Which Is Your Tag Line?
Brands Have Their Unique Mission Statements
Thanks to Impermanence, Everything is Possible !
Freedom from Fear........
We must do something for the world for we live in the world.
Sweet Home?
Does Indian Girls have their own house?
Lead your own life yourself.
You have the right for individual space, thought & decision.
Is being single a taboo or a special bliss??!!
Why single hood of woman is questioned?
Story of Sanitary Pads
Menstrual Pads :From Rags to Reusable Feminine Hygiene Products yet Menstrual Pads: Need that's not Reached !
Talk Good
How to talk & be impressive?
Install Love, It is really quite simple
Who & how can our problems get solved?